Chakra Cleansing System

Root - Anchoring Soul Into The Body

This meditative track is aimed at bringing your spirit, and body, back into alignment. Throughout our lives, traumatic events, negative thought patterns, and other events in our lives can throw your body and spirit off kilter. This will realign them, to help energy flow through your chakras more efficiently.

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Sacral - Releasing Karmic Ties

This audio track focuses on your subconscious and delves into karmic ties, that may be affecting you in this life. Manifestations of karmic ties can include things in our life like what we perceive as “bad luck”, toxic relationships, substance addiction and even depression.

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Wealth Attraction Hypnosis Solar Plexus - Reclaiming Power

Inside of everyone lies a key. A key that can be used to unlock your best life. Sadly, most people do not realize they’ve had this key all along. This audio track will teach you how to reclaim your power, and what is rightfully yours in this existence.

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Heart - Releasing Fear

Fear is what holds people back, from reaching self-actualization. Only by overcoming fear in your life, will you be able to fulfill your dreams. Let this amazing soundscape help you to finally rid yourself of fear, once and for all.

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Throat - Empowering True Expression

Communication is a key element to the success of anyone in this world. This track will help you connect with people on a direct, and often times, emotional level, so that they can truly understand you, and you can understand them.

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Third Eye - Seeing Truth

This track will help you to stimulate your third eye. Once you begin to open your third eye, what you know as your intuition, or your “gut feeling”, will be amplified. This can be incredibly useful in day to day life.

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Crown - Awareness of Oneness

The key to happiness, lies in the key to understanding. Once you have a good understanding of the universe, and your place in it, and come to the realization that we are all “one”, and that the only real language, is love, your life will begin to shift in a positive direction.

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