Midas Manifestation


Midas Manifestation Getting Started Guide

This quick start guide will teach you how to use the audio tracks that come with my program. Midas Manifestation includes five Audio Tracks that we have put our full love and attention into

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Midas Manifestation How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality & Live A Live of Limitless Abundance

We are about to take a very powerful journey together. We will unlock the secrets of the universe and discover exactly how the proper mindset can bring wealth rushing into your life through the power of magnetism.

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Manifest Your Destiny

Manifest Your Destiny reveals "The Secret BEHIND The Secret." This book will help you clearly picture the exact destiny you desire and what must be done for the "Law of Attraction" to work.

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Audio Tracks

Track 1: Manifest Destiny

The audio was created to target your third eye chakra to begin the process of re-wiring your brain to be able to connect with universal consciousness directly.

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Track 2: Divine Willingness

The audio was created to target your crown chakra, which is directly connected with your ability to receive abundance from the universe.

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Track 3: Anahata Bliss

The audio was created to target your heart chakra. This chakra is important because if not tuned correctly, it is responsible for negative thought patterns that can prevent you from achieving wealth, or the universe directly bestowing these special gifts.

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Track 4: Manipura Consciousness

The audio was created to target your solar plexus chakra. It is crucial to follow each track, beginning with "Manifest Destiny," and ending with "Midas Unleashed."

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Track 5: Midas Unleashed

This is important for focusing on one's root chakra. As the end cap to the Midas Manifestation, grasping the deep sounds of a track like "Midas Unleashed."

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Bonus Tracks

The Money Manifestation

This meditation helps you raise your vibration and clear any negativity and feelings of undeserving around money. Activate the energetic field of your heart center to harmonize your system and bring brain/ heart coherence.

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Abundance Blocks Clearing

In this meditation you will identify where those negative patterns manifest and you will heal them by feeling and releasing them to the universe. By also balancing your third chakra, which is the center of self-belief and confidence, you will clear the way to create a new prosperity mindset and build solid belief in your eternal financial abundance.

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